jeudi 23 septembre 2021

Kids are sent to colonize a distant planet, but their mission Turns Into Chaos & Hunger For Power (Voyagers - Moviedio)

Kids are sent to colonize a distant planet, but their mission Turns Into Chaos & Hunger For Power

Hello everyone, Today I am going to explain and recap a movie titled "Voyagers" With the
 future of the human race at stake, a group of young men and women -- bred for intelligence and obedience -- embark on an expedition to colonize a distant planet. When they uncover disturbing secrets about the mission, they defy their training and begin to explore their most primitive natures. As life on the ship descends into chaos, they soon become consumed by fear, lust and an insatiable hunger for power.

الفيديو من هنا
Kids are sent to colonize a distant planet
their mission Turns Into Chaos & Hunger For Power

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اختبارات الحمل المنزلية الطبيعية
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الفرق بين صداع الحمل وصداع الدورة
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